Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Reminder...Don't spam your own clients!

As a promotional product distributor I receive numerous email blasts a day.  It’s a wide range of new items, special offers and invitations to webinars - the list goes on and on.  I’m sure your inbox reveals much of the same. 

My most recent encounter with some of these “spam” emails were from three of my top suppliers.  They sent out an email that said, “Thanks for visiting our booth!”  You see, I belong to a trade organization that holds five trade shows a year.  They are spread out all over the country.  I typically attend one every year, however, I was not present at the latest event.  Despite my absence, I received follow up emails from at least three of my suppliers, thanking me for stopping by.  Unfortunately now I feel as if I’m just an account number to them. There is nothing special or unique about the note, they just want to cover their bases.

Here are my three pieces of advice on trade show follow up:

  1. Engage your audience. During your next trade show – jot down a note on the back of your clients business card to reference as a follow up.
  2. Be memorable.  I use a great email program called Ace of Sales.  It allows you to customize your emails, marketing directly to your customer.  You can easily upload photos, articles or messages that are memorable to your attendee as shown below. 
If you’d like to give it a try use the code ValueAdded30 to try it free for 30 days. 

  1.  Give value. When following up with a current or potential client make the interaction worth their time.  Offer a sales tip or even a discount to thank them for stopping by; you’ll be much more likely to hear from them again.

1 comment:

  1. I think people begin to spam their clients when they want to reach out to them but don't have a reason to so it winds up looking/feeling like spam. Find something memorable or valuable for your client or just wait another day or two until something does that is worth value.
    The patience will pay off with a better idea!
