Monday, September 12, 2011

30 Day Trial

We've heard this line time and time again, but have you ever applied it to you daily life?  My husband and I set out on a 30-day trial of our own.  We decided to turn off the TV for 30-days. While visiting a good friend in San Francisco (who doesn't own a television) I made the statement "I wonder how productive I would be in I didn't watch TV for 30-days?" My husband who is always up for a challenge thought this was a brilliant proposition and before you know it I'd committed to it myself. 
If you know me at all you'd know I am a TV junky - a victim to reality shows, Law & Order and Dateline.  But I survived and have to say this challenge has forever altered my behavior. 
*In the past 30-days, I read the following books:
*Thank You Economy by: Gary Vaynerchuk
* ReWork by: Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson
*Rhinoceros Success by: Scott Alexander
*The Help by: Kathryn Stockett
*Heaven is 4 Real by: Todd Burpo
*The Accidental Creative by: Todd Henry

*I met with a rep from the local Chamber of Commerce and went to my first Networking Night event.
*Joined the steering committee for the Alzheimer’s Association Central Ohio Chapter
*Went on nightly walks
*Listened to music and drank wine on the patio
*Went to happy hours with friends and work events with my husband
*Started to clean out my basement
And the list goes on and on.

Honestly the first couple days I was bored, but once I embraced the change I enjoyed the 30-days. 
(We did stay up until midnight on our final night to watch the recorded season of Entourage on the DVR!)
Give yourself a 30-day challenge.  You'll be surprised at the results. 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you guys! Sounds like you had a lot of fun immersing yourselves in alternatives to TV. Did you love The Help as much as I did? One of the best first novels I have ever read. Curious to see the movie.

    On another “alternative” note, don’t know whether you’d be as intrigued as I am, but wondered if you know of this blog and the Columbus food tours they do. I’m still hoping to get to C’bus before too long and might have to check them out – and see you too, of course.

    Best, eggy aka Sharon
