Monday, February 28, 2011

Somewhere over the rainbow...


I’ve heard lots of rumbling today about how good or bad the Oscars were, the hosts, the award winners the speeches and the dresses (yes, I had my favorites).  Setting all opinions aside, I found myself glued to the awards show.  It is amazing to me to see the great number of people in one room that have accomplished what they set out to do.  They are the definition of the phrase, “if you dream it, you can do it.”  I am in awe of these people and the dedication to their craft.  I’ll make three quick points:
  1. They defined their dream.  To make big accomplishments you have to get focused and know what you want.  This is much easier for some than others, but take some time and figure out what you want so you know what to go after. 
  2. With the sheer number of awards and lengthy speeches it is obvious no one does it alone.  Original or adapted screenplay, directing, acting, original score, music editing and the list went on and on.  Not to mention, each winning individual thanked agents, managers, co-workers and families.  So don’t go at this alone, engage individuals around you.  Find a mentor, pick their brain. Get invested, this is the way to make things happen. 
  3. There were individuals that have been nominated numerous times, won numerous times and come back for more.  These people never quit, they’re not satisfied with the recognition, and they want to be the absolute best they can be.  They never let up. 
I found this year’s award show especially inspiring.  So find your own path and keep moving.  I’ll leave you with a quote from the late Lena Horne, “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”  Make it a good day!  

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